Mill Creek MetroParks bikeway
The MetroParks Bikeway is part of the 100-mile (when
completed) Great Ohio Lake to River Greenway. A 10.6-mile
paved trail stretches from the Mahoning/Trumbull County line
south to Western Reserve Road. Expansion of 6.5 miles south
to the Columbiana County line at Route 14 will begin in 2018.
• restrooms and parking are available at Kirk Road Trailhead,
Mahoning Avenue Overpass and MetroParks Farm
• trail has an elevation difference of 180 feet
• bike by scenic Brocker Preserve and MetroParks Farm
There are other paved biking trails throughout Mill Creek Park.
Details are available at millcreekmetroparks.org/visit/biking.
Trailside Bicycle Company (330-503-4690,
trailsidebicyclecompany.com) offers
seasonal bike rental, equipment and safety
gear rental. Snacks and beverages are available
at the Kirk Road Trail Head. Limited seasonal hours.
The only bicycle trail in the U.S. that takes cyclists through two
states and three different townships. Trail endpoint is at Broad
Street and Coit Road in Struthers.
• class A3 10-mile asphalt, topography is level to 130 ft/mile
• views of Lowellville and the Mahoning River
• features a large beaver pond with good bird watching
lake milton mountain bike trail
For those who prefer to take the less traveled path, the Lake
Milton Mountain Bike Trail is a developing, obstacle-free trail.
Currently at approximately 4 miles, the trail has tight turns, short,
punchy climbs and descents. It is ridden as an out-and-back
and rides great in both directions. Trailhead can be found off
Ellsworth Road near the southeast corner of the lake.