Willard InterContinental Joins Historic Hotel Network

Many hotels claim to have a significant amount of history take place within their walls.  Not many of these hotels can match the historic significance of the Willard InterContinental in Washington D.C.  To officially cement their place as a historic landmark, the hotel recently joined the Historic Hotels of America network.

The Williard InterContinental, Washington D.C.

The HHA was founded in 1989 to identify quality hotels that have maintained their historic integrity, architecture, and ambiance as well as to promote these hotels both nationally and internationally. To become a member, a hotel must be 50 years old, listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, or recognized locally as having historic significance.

The Willard, which was built in its current form in 1901, has a long list of past historical guests including just about every U.S. President since Zachary Taylor.  Other historic moments that took place at the Willard include Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. writing his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, Julia Ward writing the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”, and Ulysses S. Grant popularizing the term “Lobbyist”.  This short list hardly does justice to the vast history of the hotel.  To see a detailed list of the historic events visit the Historic Hotels of America.

Congratulations to our friends at the Willard for being recognized as a landmark in American history!  To read the full story visit USA Today Travel.