Clean the World
This past week, the Katies made an appearance at the Orlando Clean the World as part of National Volunteer Week. We had an awesome tour of the facility and even had the opportunity to get our hands dirty…or maybe it should be clean!
We spent our time working alongside 30+ other volunteers from Disney, UGG and other area companies. While at the recycling operation center Katie and I put together 100 hygiene kits to be distributed to local homeless individuals and used for disaster relief around the world. In the few short hours we were there, the group as a whole put together 360 hygiene kits, and cleaned 2,300 lbs of soap. That will make approximately 2,000 bars, which equates to 300 families.
It was such an awesome experience; we can’t wait to go back! If you’re curious how you can help Clean the World check out their site or their facebook on how you can get involved. And don’t think that because you don’t live in Orlando or Las Vegas you can’t help…find out what you can do in your own community!