Meet Marsala, Pantone’s Color of the Year 2015

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Last week, Pantone released their 2015 color of the year! While it may not hold the same exclusivity as let’s say “movie of the year”, or “album of the year” it’s still an exciting announcement for anyone in the print or design industry!

What is the Pantone Color of the Year?

Pantone, the color standards giant, selects their color of the year based on several criteria including current atmosphere in the world of color standards, recent fashion and trends and the opinions of industry decision makers.

Twice a year, Pantone hosts representatives from a variety of different color standards groups who help decide on which color should will be christened “color of the year.”

2015: The Year of Marsala

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A naturally robust and earthy wine red, Marsala enriches our minds, bodies and souls. Named after the Sicilian town, and the wine that town originated, Marsala captures the sophistication of a bottle of red wine, yet it’s versatile enough to be used just about anywhere. In the upcoming year you can expect to find anything, from coffeepots to cars, to be tinted with the vintage, yet suave Marsala color.

Color… not just a matter of preferences

Using words like “calming” or “enriching” to describe colors isn’t just a marketing tactic. Research has shown that color can have a big impact on a person’s emotional state. In fact, a German University proposed that designers should be using theoretical research on color psychology rather than intuition alone in their work.

Another study the “impact of color in marketing” found that “up to 90% of snap judgments made about products can be based on color alone”. So, what impact does Pantone’s color of the year bring to the table? Marsala, projects feelings of confidence and enthusiasm, and reddish hues in general are also believed to increase capacity for creative thinking.

Design trendsetter

Even though Marsala was recently announced as “Color of the Year”, some hotel brands have featured the rosy shade for quite some time.

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DoubleTree is one of those brands, and should be considered a trendsetter when it comes to on-property color choice. While they weren’t the first to feature a deep red wine color at their hotels, they realized the benefits of Marsala before many others did.

By including, Marsala accented pieces such as chairs and pillows; Doubletree has created an environment where guests are more likely to feel confident and enthusiastic.

What’s the point?

Even though this post is all about the color Marsala, the point I’m trying to make isn’t that everyone should suddenly adopt and implement this color into their properties. However, it’s worth noting that by perfecting fine details – such as updating accent pieces – your property can be seen in a new light.

Just as important as the fine details, though, is how your potential guests view your property… And that’s where we come in! We can create stunning property collateral, websites, and many other pieces that will project your property’s unique character. Have questions? Check out our website or email us at info@mcconnellmarketing for more information.