3 Essential Lessons to Help Marketers in 2021

3 Essential Lessons to Help Marketers in 2021


In 2021, one of the few things that continues to bring everyone together is the entertainment industry. Television and movie viewership rose to new heights as the events of this past year change people’s viewing habits and reshape the industry landscape. In a Facebook-affiliated report, members of the entertainment industry shared their findings that could be useful to marketers regardless of industry.

Cultivating Digital Communities

By giving groups a platform with a powerful set of tools and features, marketing managers will have the means to build and control their own online community. It will also give their users a reason to join, engage and help grow their community. Keeping all news and community-generated content on a single message stream is vital to ensure that your digital community is actively involved in your business’s interworking.


The lesson: While building a relationship with your customers is important, making your customers feel like they’re a part of your community is essential.

Utilizing and Offering Original and Exclusive Content

According to a report in 2018, Netflix’s original content makes up approximately 80% of U.S. viewership of media. With almost every major network creating its own service, Netflix gave itself a competitive advantage over the rest as 57% of customers cite Netflix’s original content for the reason for their subscription. With platforms such as Patreon, Podia and Memberful, there are multiple ways to release exclusive content to your most dedicated community.


The lesson: While methods and platforms vary by industry, offering original and exclusive content that gives customers a reason to choose your business is essential. 

Giving a Voice to Unrepresented Groups

The entertainment industry has made conscious efforts to include a more diverse and accurate representation of culture in media and entertainment. In a Facebook-commissioned survey, 70% of participants said they want to see more of it in digital advertising. Ensuring that you read up on the key issues in today’s world and being educated on different cultures will go a long way.


The lesson: While creative content for marketing campaigns and messages are as unique as brands themselves, making sure voices and messaging of unrepresented groups is included in your strategy is essential.


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