Minimalism in the Workplace



Are you sick of feeling overwhelmed, misplacing important files and never having enough time during work? Implementing minimalism tips could be exactly what you’re looking for. Minimalism is not just about owning less stuff. It is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and removing everything that distracts us from it. Here is a list of ways to bring minimalism into your work so that you can feel calmer, more productive and less cluttered!

Declutter Your Workspace

Our workspace can have a direct effect on our mood and ability to focus. So whether you work from home or in the corner office on the 50th floor, it’s essential to declutter your workspace. While this may seem quite obvious, it’s crucial to clean up the mess surrounding your workspace before jumping right into a task. Remove stacks of paper, last week’s to-do list, lunch containers and coffee mugs – anything that doesn’t inspire. Download Asana to help you stay organized and make your workspace more comfortable again.

Minimize Notifications

Constant buzzing and banner notifications are some of the biggest productivity crushers in the age of digital media. Silencing or muting your workplace notifications and focusing on the task at hand is more beneficial for yourself and your work as well! Your day will quickly become more productive and stress free. 

Take a Break

To be the best employee you can be, taking breaks is necessary for a more productive, creative day. Taking regular breaks helps you remember and retain information, be more creative and cultivate an overall healthier lifestyle in the long haul. Work can be overwhelming; even a five-minute break could lead to the breakthrough you were searching for! So take a walk, refill your water a time or two; it’ll be more beneficial in the end.

Set a Deadline

Giving yourself less time to complete a task can be a fantastic way to keep you on track during a busy day. Effectiviology explains, “The phenomenon described by Parkinson’s law has been observed in a number of scientific studies, which show that when people are given extra time to complete a task, they will generally take advantage of that time, even if they don’t need it, and it doesn’t lead to better performance on the task.” Set the due dates now!

Make it a Daily Habit

To make your minimalism journey successful, maintaining daily habits is essential in making sure you don’t slip back into old habits. Practice the above tips and monitor how your mood and productivity levels have changed. Ask yourself if you truly need an item and if it’s giving you value throughout your day. When you lean into minimalism and have a daily commitment, you create more space for rest and reflection.


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