4 Ways to Make Your Product Stand Out Digitally

4 Ways to Make Your Product Stand Out Digitally


U.S. consumers will spend over $1 trillion in digital retail channels in 2022. Just like in-store, the digital shelf must communicate your brand story and values to engage consumers in an experience. Are you not seeing the digital sale conversions you’re striving for? The digital shelf is full of user-enticing products and you may be getting lost. Here are four ways to help you optimize your presence, start standing out from the pack and drive conversions!

Make a Good First Impression

Making a quality and lasting first impression only takes seconds. It’s important to convey your company’s vision and products in a clear and memorable way. From photography to the written details, it’s critical to communicate your brand’s story, voice, value proposition and overall aesthetic and tone. Grow your identity so consumers can connect with your brand and build a lasting relationship that keeps them loyal to your business.

Consistency is Key

Make sure your brand is consistent across all digital spaces, including website, email and social media platforms. Create a brand style guide to ensure all messaging and graphics, including tone of voice, fonts, images, hashtags and logo usage, are consistent. Consumers trust a brand they recognize, thus they will be more likely to purchase from you and recommend you to their peers.

User-Enticing Product Page

Build a product page effectively on your website and both your traffic and conversions will skyrocket. Link it to Facebook and Instagram Shop for consumers to easily access your products on all platforms at all times. Product page visual elements, content and navigation all have the power to make or break your store. Entice consumers with high-quality photos, well-written product descriptions and user-friendly shop features.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

When consumers are searching for your product, the first thing that pops up is the product’s graphic. That graphic has to not only catch the consumers’ attention, but needs to convince them to read more. Use a high-quality, clear photo that best showcases your product and brand image.


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