Unlocking the Benefits: The Importance of Hotel Loyalty Programs for Hoteliers


In the present day, hotels around the world are actively adopting Loyalty Programs. These programs aim to maintain customer satisfaction and foster loyalty towards a particular hotel chain by offering rewards in exchange for this loyalty. With a range of loyalty programs available, hotels are experiencing growing advantages from their implementation.

Redefining the Guest Experience:

Loyalty programs offered by hotel chains are crafting an extraordinary experience that surpasses travelers’ expectations. These exceptional services not only strengthen the trust between the brand and its hotel guests but also cultivate a deep sense of significance, empowering them to act as brand ambassadors.

When travelers encounter exceptional service, they are compelled to recommend the loyalty program to their friends who are seeking their own perfect loyalty experience. The power of personal endorsement cannot be understated in today’s interconnected world. When someone receives a heartfelt recommendation from a trusted source, they are more inclined to explore and engage with the recommended loyalty program.

Surging Financial Success:

After enrolling in loyalty programs, the retention of guests has observed a notable increase. This elevated retention rate has proven to be a catalyst for surging revenue in numerous hotel chains. Loyal guests, demonstrating their trust, exhibit tendencies to book longer stays at hotels within the chain and explore diverse locations within the network. As a result, revenue experiences an uplift across multiple locations over time.

Moreover, investing in loyalty programs proves to be a more cost-effective strategy for hotels compared to targeting entirely new customer audiences. By nurturing relationships with existing loyal patrons, hotels can maintain consistent revenue streams, optimizing their efforts and expenditure.

Sustained Patronage

In 2022, a significant 44% of travelers acknowledged the substantial influence of loyalty programs on their choice of accommodations during travel. However, an array of feedback revealed that many customers expressed dissatisfaction with the current perks offered, as they failed to align with their preferences. While member recognition holds value, it alone does not suffice to maintain guest loyalty.

A survey conducted by SevenRooms shed light on the key motivators for rebooking within loyalty programs. Among these were receiving additional loyalty points for indulging in on-property dining experiences, unlocking enhanced credit card rewards, and earning dining credits upon reaching a new loyalty tier. These incentives emerged as the most compelling factors for guests, which is very important for hotel chains that may be creating loyalty programs in the future.


When it comes to marketing your hotel’s newest loyalty program, McConnell Marketing is here to help! Contact us today or call us at 330-286-0487 to get started. Also, don’t forget to follow us on all of our social platforms. Stay up to date on our monthly newsletters, full of more helpful tips and tricks!