b'16FREMONT KIWANIS INCLUSIVE PLAY PARKCREATING SPACES FOR ALL TO PLAYSince 2021, Fremonts Rodger Young Parkswings,awheelchair-accessiblemerry-has been home to an inclusive playgroundgo-round,interactiveimaginativeplay wherechildrenofallabilitiescomearea and a safe fall flooring surface. The together to play.What started as Kiwanisequipment can be used by children, adults,Club of Fremonts dream to help celebrateand caregivers.The second phase included its 100-year anniversary became a realityashelterhouse,wheelchair-accessible for the community.The project was madepicnictables,benches,andsignage possiblebythecollaborationoftheCitythanking those involved in the project.ofFremont,SanduskyCountyBoardofRodger Young Park, located at 1111 Tiffin Developmental Disabilities, the SanduskyStreetinFremont,alsohasabaseball/County Public Health Department, and thesoftball complex, tennis courts, basketball Kiwanis Club of Fremont. courts, multi-purpose fields, shelter houses, Thecustom-builtplaygroundincludesand restroom facilities.wheelchair swings and a variety of other POTTERY PERFECTION AND JONIS BOUTIQUEWHERE CREATIVITY MEETS CHARMAre you looking for a fun, interactive experience with your friends, family, or grandkids?If so, Pottery Perfection is the place to go! LocatedinHistoricDowntownFremont,thisartstudiooffers walk-in pottery painting with a wide range of pieces to choose from.The studio also hosts classes in painting, fused glass, faux stainedglass,andwheelthrowing,alongwithresinpouring eventsandclayhand-buildingsessions.Formoredetails,visit potteryperfection.net. AtthefrontofthestudioisJonisBoutique,aquaintand eclecticcollectionfeaturinglocallymadechocolates,handbags andpurses,selectlotions,bodycare,andbathitems.This woman-ownedbusinesshasalittlesomethingforeveryone, including faith-based and pet items.Visit their Facebook page atfacebook.com/p/Jonis-100085156130210foradditional information.Both stores are open 7 days a week.'