b'28SANDUSKY COUNTY PARK DISTRICT PUBLIC LOCATIONS1 4 smaller lots and access points alongmigrating birds as they walk the the trail. Worth noting: The roadloop trail through the woods made route through Fremont includes aup of maple, hickory and oak trees.section on West State Street, thePrograms include hikes as well as Route 20 business route through themaple sugaring demonstrations.city. Ride at your own risk. 85BLUE HERON RESERVE DON W. MILLER MEMORIAL 2134 COUNTY RD. 260 PARK VICKERY, OH 43464 1329 TIFFIN St.419-334-4495FREMONT, OH 43420lovemyparks.com 419-334-4495 lovemyparks.comThis 160-acre property was acquiredWHITE STAR PARKby a donation from The NatureHome to the Park Districts MainRINGNECK RIDGE WILDLIFE925 SOUTH MAIN ST.Conservancy and a federal Land andoffice, this 80-acre propertyAREA GIBSONBURG, OH43431Water Conservation Fund grant. Thiswas donated by Black Swamp2026 & 1818 COUNTY RD. 74 419-334-4495 park has unique natural featuresConservancy. The park is located such as a calcareous fen, seasonalon the Sandusky River adjacent toGIBSONBURG, OH 43431 lovemyparks.com wetlands, grassy trails, and a mile ofthe Blue Banks and was formerly a419-334-4495 boardwalk trails. Blue Heron Reserve9-hole golf course. This portion oflovemyparks.com Park includes play equipment, is also included in the Lake Eriethe Sandusky River is designated astables, grills, restrooms, volleyball Birding Trail. a Scenic River by the State of Ohio. Acquired in 2008 with funding fromcourts, play field, nature trails, Criteria for scenic river designationClean Ohio Conservation Fund, Ohiomountain bike trails, boat ramp, 2 includes length, adjacent forestDepartment of Natural Resourcesshelters, day camp area, accessible cover, biological characteristics,and Sandusky County Sportsmansfishing platform, scuba diving, and water quality, present use andClub, this park opened to the publiccamping. Horse trails are located on natural conditions. in May 2009. It was formerly aCounty Road 66 just north of County private hunt club for more than 60Road 65. The public is allowed to years. The 360-acre site includeswalk anywhere on the grounds woodlots, open fields, wetlands, andexcept during hunting season, when limestone barrens. It is managed asonly hiking trails west of the railroad a wildlife area with public huntingtracks are open. White Star Quarry and hiking trails. The public isis available for non-gas-powered CHRISTY FARM NATUREallowed to walk anywhere on theboating and fishing. Waggoners Run PRESERVE grounds except during huntingMountain Bike Trail, a unique trail season. that is fun for riders of all skill levels, 2020 OLD OAK HARBOR RD. is located in White Star Park.FREMONT, OH 43420419-334-44956 9lovemyparks.com MULL COVERED BRIDGENamed after the Christy Family,1515 COUNTY RD. 9 who established the Christy KnifeFREMONT, OH 43420Company in 1891 in Fremont, Ohio,419-334-4495 this 147-acre property consistslovemyparks.comof woodlands and wetland areas. Visitors can enjoy a walk alongThe Mull Covered Bridge, which is a the Muskellunge Creek or catch atown lattice truss type, was built glimpse of an active heron rookery. in 1851 by the Henry Mull Family toTEA KAUFMAN HOMESTEAD WOLF CREEK PARKS The Cabin, built in 1936 by theallow for safe access for trade to Christy family and the Kiwanis Clubthe Mull mill. The bridge was open2091 COUNTY RD. 292 2409 & 2701 SOUTH STATE RTE. 53 of Fremont is available for youthto traffic until 1962 when the roadBELLEVUE, OH44811 FREMONT, OH43420group overnights. was diverted and a new bridge419-334-4495419-334-4495 was constructed. In 1974, the Mulllovemyparks.comlovemyparks.com 3 Covered Bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.This 14-acre property is directlyNestled along the banks of the The bridge underwent a majoradjacent to the North Coast InlandSandusky River, Wolf Creek Park isrenovation in 2016 and now has newTrail and serves as an access pointan excellent area for birding, hiking, wood and red exterior planks.to the trail.The Tea Kaufmanand spring wildflowers. The North Homestead property has a mowedEntrance is home to the canoe/kayak loop trail that takes visitors throughlaunch as well as a rentable shelter. a small prairie and restored wetland. The South Entrance allows access to Wolf Creek Campground and 7 approximately 1.5 miles of hiking CREEK BEND FARM - trails.WILSON NATURE CENTER720 SOUTH MAIN ST.LINDSEY, OH 43442419-334-4495NOTElovemyparks.com NORTH COAST INLAND TRAILThe purchase of the Creek BendMULTIPLE ACCESS POINTS TheSanduskyCounty Farm was made possible in 2002BELLEVUE, CLYDE, FREMONT, ANDTHE WOODS AT THE ParkDistricthas LINDSEY, OHby a generous donation from the419-334-4495LUSCOMBE FARM additional park locations Robert and Frances Roush Family and a grant from the Ohio Publiclovemyparks.com 2341 COUNTY RD. 213 thatarenotshownon Works Commissions Clean OhioCLYDE, OH 43410 this map since they are Conservation Fund and OhioThe NCIT in Sandusky County offers419-334-4495 Department of Natural Resources28 miles of completed, paved trail.lovemyparks.com closedtothegeneral Coastal Restoration Grant Program.When completed, the North Coastpublic and only used for The facility includes a WindowInland Trail will extend from LorainThis 55-acre property is the resultspecial programming.on Wildlife/library, educationalto Toledo, Ohio, a 105-mile span.of a generous donation by John classroom, childrens activity area,Best parking: Walsh Park and Biggs- Luscombe and Ann (Luscombe) and a small meeting room. Kettner Park in Fremont with otherStine. Visitors can search for'