b'GIBSONBURG 45GIBSONBURGPHOTOS COURTESY OF DAVID THORNBURY .THIS PLACE IS A DIVEEXPLOREWHITE STAR PARK & QUARRYWhat does a Frito Lay truck, a stone crusher,diving, White Star Park spans across 800 multiplesunkenboatsandamotorcycleacres and has a public swimming beach, have in common?They can all be foundpublic fishing, hiking, mountain bike trails, and explored by recreational scuba diverscamping,andplentyofplacestoenjoy at the bottom of White Star Quarry, locatednature.With so many things to see and at White Star Park in Gibsonburg, Ohio.do, White Star is a great location for divers Before we dive into the experience, (punto bring non-diving family members (even intended) let us first start with the location. yourdog)sotheycanenjoyoneofthe WhiteStarwasoncethelocationofamany other activities then come together local dolomite aggregate mining operationaround the picnic table to share stories of and the Pennsylvania Railroad hauled thetheir experiences as a family.aggregate to its final destinations. QuarryDiving at White Star Quarry is known to operations were terminated around 1975- be one of the best inland diving spots that 1976 as the quarry began filling up withNorthern Ohio has to offer. It has been a water.Ultimately this makes White Starpopulardestinationforscubadiversfor Quarrya15-acreunintentionally,man- decades in part due to the sapphire blue made lake with an average depth of 40water and the many underwater artifacts with the center of the quarry approachingthatdiverscanexplorethatinclude:a 50. There are two holes, one near themotorcycle, several sunken boats, a truck wall close to the main diving entrance andformerly owned by the Frito Lay Company the other at the bottom of a stone crusheraswellasastonecrusherbuildingand that are 60 and 80 respectively. submergedtreesthatmakedivingthe White Star Park is owned by the Sanduskyquarry an adventure. CountyParkDistrict,lovemyparks.com,David Thornbury is a recreational diver and the Marketing but all scuba diving at White Star Quarry isDirector of the Sandusky County Visitors Bureau, with a operated by Divers Inc. whitestarquarry.com.passion for sharing the areas hidden gems. During his Thequarryisspringfedandoffersanadventures,hephotographsandcapturesthebeauty ofSanduskyCounty,bringingitsoutdooradventures incredible diving experience with visibilityto life. Visit sanduskycounty.org to find more outdoor that averages 30-40. In addition to scubaattractions.DID YOU KNOWA quarry is an open-pit excavation site where materials like stone, gravel, or minerals are extracted from the earth. Quarrieswhich in the past have been dug entirely by handhave long been essential for building materials. Once mining stops, many quarries fill with water, forming lakes. These sites often become hot-spots for recreational activities.'