b'BIRDING 57PHOTOS COURTESY OF EUNICE M KOEBEL.BIRD WATCHINGIN SANDUSKY COUNTYBeing situated on a prime bird migrationlevels, featuring spots like the Blue HeronSandusky and Ottawa Counties are home route,SanduskyCountyoffersauniqueReserve, White Star Park, and others alongto over 140 bald eagle nests, the highest opportunity to observe exotic and colorfulthe scenic Sandusky River. count in Ohio. This is remarkable recovery bird species on their journey to CanadianEachspring, neighboring OttawaCountyfromtheirnear-extinctionstatusinthe breedinggrounds.Thesebirdsspendhosts people from all over at The Biggest1970s. Ohio now boasts over 800 confirmed summers up north and winters as far awayWeekinAmericanBirding,a10-daybald eagles nests, with documented nests as South America. festivalcelebratingthespringmigrationin nearly every county.TheSanduskyCountyParkDistrictispeak. Highlights include Magee Marsh and lovemyparks.comapremierdestinationforbirdersofallthe Lake Erie Marsh Region.'