b'FREMONT 17EXPLOREFremont feature BORROW A BIKE,RIDE THE TOWNGET ACTIVE, STAY ACTIVE, BIKE!TheSanduskyCountyBikeshareProgramisa communityinitiativedesignedtopromotehealthy living,activetransportation,andsustainability. Launched through partnerships with Sandusky County Public Health and the YMCA of Sandusky County, the program provides free access to bicycles for residents and visitors alike.Bicycles can be borrowed from the YMCA of Sandusky County during its regular hours on a first-come, first-servedbasis.RidersmustpresentavalidphotoID and a credit card for deposit. If returned the same day without damage, the rental is completely free of charge.Thisprogramseekstoencourageexercise,reduce vehicle dependency, and make cycling accessible for everyone over the age of 12. With Sandusky Countys scenicroutesandgrowingemphasisonoutdoor recreation, the bikeshare program offers an opportunity for families, individuals, and tourists to enjoy an eco-friendlymodeoftravel.Byfosteringhealthyhabits andreducingenvironmentalimpact,theinitiative strengthens community wellness and connection. sanduskycounty.org/bikeshare'